MyBill and Cat in Paris

MyBill and Cat in Paris
Paris on the bridge!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A few of my favorite things this week

1. Orange and Cranberry scones with clotted creme. Bill found these at central market (yes THE CENTRAL MARKET) and I am in HEAVEN!
2. Keith getting moved to a room in the hospital from ICU.
3. Getting a good night's sleep. (I can hold out hope right)
4. Beth cracking me up! Beth works with me and she is a curious mix of rage against the machine, shear passion, and a huge heart! She cracks me up on a daily basis.
5.Fizz Quiz in the lab this week. KIDS love it! The get to mix the chemicals together and the whole thing bubbles up and pops the bag. Best day in 5th grade.
6. Cheryl letting me "move in" to her office. She didn't really get a choice. I brought my own picture frame and everything!
7. Bill figuring out the itouch! Funny
8.Vallerie telling me that she is trying REALLY hard to be good. She has the cutest face
9. My Brazilian blow out! HOW could I forget! It took forever and as of now I don't know if it worked but this weekend I will know for sure. You all are wondering what the heck would that be... Dan(Cheryl's hubby) asked her "What is she getting done to her hoo hoo." NOOOOooo it is a hair (on my head)treatment that is supposed to make my hair straight! I will write about it next week and tell you the whole story. My hair guy Robert was a trip!
and finally
10. Friday is on its way. The kids will be gone to their dad's. Will was here last week so Bill and I will have the weekend alone. *GASP* alone!!! What will we do?!?


Things my friends say and do that make me smile...

1. "You can't fix stupid!"-Michele G
Love this! Makes me smile when ever I hear it. It is true and you can't argue with it!

2. "Your family"... Jean and Phil
Sums up my friendship with these two wonderful people. I can't believe I was so lucky to meet them at a critical time in my life. They molded me out of mush!

3. Do I need to send Guido?-Dad
My dad wants to send in "Guido" whenever something is going wrong in my life. I guess this "Guido" will put the muscle to the "man". Haven't called any favors in yet but one of these days maybe...Nice Daddy!

4. Brazilian blowout: I can't do my hair! I hate my hair! I am like flatiron retarded. I can't make it work on my hair. Bill calls it store bought hair, from the color to the texture! I told all the girls that I was going to get the Brazilian blowout because I was so excited. It is promised to straightened right out of the shower! Too good to be true but what the heck! It was the topic of conversation for many weeks! Well to my surprise and great delight...It works. I just blew dry my hair and YEA! Straight...straight... STRAIGHT!

5. My sister calls me Sis. No not my job! My beloved grandmother (Pearl) called her sister (my Aunt Ruby) every time they spoke. Phone call went like this. "Hey sis it is sis Call me back" I have these weekly on my phone and it makes me smile each time. Maybe I should call her back!

6. Vic and Val. I know they are SUPER exhausting... but they make me smile. At the very least when they finally go to sleep. :)

7. Meagan and Will. I will miss Will's retorts next year when he goes to college. Meagan is always fun to talk with. This Christmas when we took the road trip is one of my favorite memories.

8. Monthly Girls night! I love the gang getting together and laughing out loud! We are a LOUD bunch...

9. Date night with MyBill. Really I love just the ease at which we can hang out over dinner. This is one of our favorite past times (which is why I am so fat!) We love good food (fois gras, yum o!) and wine. My favorite times with Bill are over a glass of wine just talking about everything that happened in the week. He is at ease and totally focus on us. (enough of the mushy stuff!)

and Finally

10. My mother can't cook. This is no surprise I put this in my blog earlier. There are MANY examples of this but I will be short. She gets distracted trying to do too many things and then forgets something is cooking... for example burning a pot of boiling water! The funny part is that I just got a text from my sister that said," Call me when you get up I have to tell you about the cake Mom made!" I haven't even heard the story and it has got to be hysterical.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Oh My GOD! Lassie's dead

The text I got today started with: Vic has had an emotional collapse.

The rest will be apparent after the story so I will print it at the end.

Since Bill didn't want to watch anymore cartoons this morning after Victoria and he practiced her spelling, he decided to find a movie. He was in luck Lassie the updated movie was on. Here Bill thought he was in the clear, no cussing, no sexual scenes. Good Classic Fun right.?.?

He goes to play the piano (usual for most mornings) and when he comes into the living room later he finds Victoria sitting on the couch in the midst of a full blown crying jag.

She is crying uncontrollably. He looks at here and says What happened!?!
She says over and over, "it is just so sad, it is just so sad" Wiping her tear covered face on her barbie blanket.

He looks at the TV and realized that a)Lassie is now limping out of the river with a cut paw and b) he didn't tell Vic that never Lassie "dies" and in the end always ends up okay.

So he says, "IT is okay. Lassie is okay! Lassie is ALWAYS okay! That is the way they all are Lassie gets hurt, runs up to Timmy and he hugs her then gives her a bath!"

Of course upon looking further at the movie he realizes that Lassie is not limping up to Timmy until the next day when he is at school revealing the fact that the Lassie has had some time to be fully and convincingly "dead" to our 6 year old on the couch!

He then tells Victoria to watch! On the movie, Lassie runs up to Timmy. He hugs her and all the kids come out. Then the credits roll!

Victoria says without missing a beat. "They didn't give her a bath!"

Here is the text: Vic has had an emotional collapse...that is the last time I put Lassie on and walk out of the room.


Friday, January 22, 2010

The Zoo

Monday was exciting to all kids and teachers alike. Martin Luther King Jr. Day! We were out of school so I decided that the girls and I needed to do something fun and exciting. How about the zoo? Sounds great right....

So we leave around 11:00 and grab lunch. Chick-fil-a the girls favorite. We drive downtown and to my amazement we land right in the middle of the parade route! Only me right. I didn't know how to get there so I asked my car to tell me. I love my little GPS in my car! As I get closer to the destination after several wrong turns, the roads were being closed off by police cars. They were letting the parade people leave. My car was telling me to go down the closed roads so I tried to figure out how to get around it. TRAFFIC!

Finally an hour later and two snacks down in the car (yes we just ate and they ate another snack), we got there.
It was so crowded.I couldn't change my mind after all that right. So here we go. Up to the counter to buy tickets and find out it is free day. GREAT! not in a good way. That just added to the crowd! My little family outing just turned into a fight the crowd event.
Of course the girls didn't mind they loved it.

We got the map and decided Vallerie only wanted to see the giraffes and Vic wanted to see the Elephants. They were of course at the end of the little route so we had to see all the other stuff first.

We saw the frogs, (for Gege) flamingos for (Cheryl) and on and on.
Eventually we came to the antelopes. Vallerie asked what they were, here is the conversation that followed:

Me: They are antelopes
Val: Cantaloupe
Me: No antelopes
Val: I think they are cantaloupe
Me: No, that is something you eat, Antelopes are that animal that looks like a deer sort of
Val: (under her breath) They smell like cantaloupes

Next exhibit
Vic: Hey that is a yacht
Me: What?
Val: you know a yacht
Vic: No I think it is called a yacht
Me: shaking my head, no the word is YAK but that isn't a Yak it is another antelope
Val: cantaloupe?

I give up!


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Vallerie and the crying!

I am exhausted by the crying... the crying... every day since she came back from the Christmas she has answered every problem with crying. Today was a particularly bad fit. I was trying all the love and logic... This didn't work, she was actually crying because she wanted a bowl for her mac and cheese instead of the plate that I put it on.

Finally when it stopped, she ate her now cold food, brushed her teeth and went up to lay in bed; her dad called. Now normally when one of the children are in trouble (Really big...ex. Vic said a bad word to another student) I would would of course call their dad.

So the phone rings and I walked up the stairs to give her the phone. She asked me who was on the phone, and I said her dad was. She was all perky and picked it up.

She says, Hello, where are you...etc. then starts in with "I am so sorry that Mommy had to call you in the middle of the night (8:30) because.... (I heard her start in and I leaned over and whispered "I didn't call him." ) Ohhh so what are you doing?

She totally changed her tone, back to all perky. My little doll nearly got herself in trouble!


Monday, January 4, 2010

Labor Pains

YEA we have 3 followers! I am soooo excited. People are actually reading it! I love it that Beth, co worker, said both that she laughed out loud at my prime rib episode AND that she could hear me saying it! In the words of Cheryl, my writing has VOICE!

So on to today, I told you I would write about Vallerie's birth or its other name "I think I have ruptured my bladder" so here goes. Some have hear this TONS of times so you can feel free to skip it! It still makes me and Michele laugh!

A little background knowledge is needed. I had Victoria a couple of weeks early from my due date. I didn't know I was in labor I just knew I had a backache. I walked around at work for a while until Jean told me that I must be in labor because NO one has back pain every 15 mins.
After a long labor I delivered Vic by a c-section. Where everyone in the hospital it seems got a glimpse of my V-jaja! (How do you spell that??)

Now on to Vallerie. I was HUGE and it was about a month before Vallerie was supposed to be born. I had scheduled the c-section so that I could be home by Christmas and in my mind when you schedule the delivery you no longer have to worry about labor right???

One morning around 5 am I felt this whoosh and then a trickle. I thought.. OMG I have wet myself. I ran (as fast as a whale could) to the toilet. I called the ex (we were married then...) to come help me. After I woke him I said, I don't feel any contractions and it is way to early to have the baby so I must have ruptured my bladder. Very matter of fact mind you! I know, this was ridiculous... but at the time it made sense! Maybe denial is a gift of mine!

I called Mom and said, "I can't stop peeing so my bladder must have ruptured because it was WAY to early for the baby." Again very matter of fact, no panic just normal every day bladder rupture.

She said, "Ahh okay I think that would hurt.

"No no I am not in any pain, so it can't be labor!"

She said, "I don't know but I will call Cathy."

In the mean time I get the ex to call Jean (can't live without her) and if he could please dress Victoria for school as I could not stop the trickle of "pee". Jean could take her to school until I could figure out how to make it stop.

Few moments later, Cathy calls. (this was in the last blog so I will make it brief) She thinks it is easier not to fight crazy just deal with it and move on. Hmm... words of wisdom that I should keep in mind on a DAILY basis!
She tells me to call the Dr.

In walks my precious 2 year old in fresh PJs. He has just changed her old PJs into new PJs thinking that since they were in the closet they must be normal clothes. They don't even look like real clothes!

So I call the Dr's office. I left a message and was told that she would call back.

In walks Jean, I told her I am not in labor I have just ruptured my bladder. She just looks at me on the toilet and takes Vic to put on real clothes. I think it is easier not to argue with me at this point. I am VERY matter of fact in my diagnosis and I am not at all scared.

I told the Dr on call. (Can you see the theme!) I think I ruptured my bladder.

She didn't argue with me. She didn't even try to tell me anything different. Must get crazy pregnant women calling all the time Just said that she would call the hospital and let them know i was on my way. She said in a very calm voice, "Well, just go to the hospital and they can see if it is the bladder."

OK. I call Mom, and tell her. I didn't even pack a bag because I just knew it wasn't time for the baby! I had to walk with towels between my legs and sit on a stack of towels so as to now get the exs car dirty. Then he wouldn't even valet park. I had to WALK with the dang towel in between my legs across the parking lot, up the elevator and to the nurses station. (we can see why my family LOVES Bill!)

I walk up to the nurses station and I said... (All together now)"I think I have ruptured my bladder because I can't stop peeing!" The nurse with a straight face says OOoooK and walks me into the room. I actually think I hear one of them say I waited around to see this!

The nurse has this little piece of paper and if it turns blue then I am in labor if not then we have a bigger problem.

It was DARK BLUE. Some would even call it indigo!
I said so I didn't rupture my bladder?


Sunday, January 3, 2010



So Cathy was wondering why she wasn't listed in the Cast of Characters... so here is her own little spot!

Background, we are some how related. Maybe she will comment on this entry and we will all know. Something about how she and mom use to be related but they are not. I can't follow it but it isn't too important.

She is one of mom's best friends and hysterical. She also cooks for me when I come to town. (Not last time....hmmm) Cathy cooks for all of mom's events. Mom used to clean for all Cathy's.

She works at the Ear, Nose and throat doctor so she is our resident RN...She gets calls for all aches and pains. Last week when we discovered that Valley might need her 3rd set of tubes in her ears I called to ask... how many tubes are too many. Answer: you can have as many sets as needed! YIKES!

Another time when I was in labor with Vallerie and I was perched on the toilet at 5 in the morning thinking that I had ruptured my bladder (I will tell that story at a later date! It is Michele G's favorite!) She is who we called. She said .. Ah no you need to go to the doctor and I said... No I am not in labor I just can't stop peeing! I must have ruptured my bladder! She then said do you have any pain and I replied, "No, that is why I can't be in labor!" Then giving up she said... you are in labor! Call the doctor! So I did call the Dr and told her I had ruptured my bladder!

I think she should have her own show too as she has even funnier things happen to her than me!

Like all the weird stuff that happens at the ENT!
One time this little girl kept telling her mother that she kept hearing jingle bells in her head her mother thought she meant the song I guess! Once the Dr. looked at her she did indeed have a tiny bell in her ear!

She made a goose for Christmas dinner this year with Chestnut stuffing. The only problem she didn't know what the chestnuts looked like. She could have googled them like I did! So she thought they were mixed into the mixed nuts and picked some out... they made a trial run before the big day and it was DELICIOUS... or so they say :)

A couple of days later her boyfriend comes home with a bag of "nuts" she asked what they were. and he said.. These my dear are chestnuts!

She said... "Well then WHAT THE HECK were the things that we ate the other day!"

He said... hazelnuts!

She made hazelnut dressing.. Who does that!


I should never be allowed into Central Market alone

I went to visit the folks in between Christmas and New Year's Eve. More on that later, I will introduce you to Cathy, Moms friend and truly one of the funniest women I have ever met... Well most of you reading this know her but come on there might be ONE person out there reading who doesn't. That will be tomorrow's post so stay tuned for that.

Now on to my trip to Central Market.

I decide to come back early to have New Year's Eve with Bill. He has to work on this BIG project and couldn't go with me to Waco.

So I decided to cook a romantic dinner for him. This is rare as I don't really cook anything other than lasagna.

I found 3 recipes online...Thank you food network!... and made my shopping list.

Bill and I had already talked about Prime Rib so I knew I wanted that. I get in my car and go to the REALLY good grocery store across town. NICE

It is PACKED! Tons of people there. I ran my cart into so many people I lost count!

I went over to the meat counter where you have to pull a number. A lady with a microphone is calling numbers for the hundreds of people waiting to buy meat or seafood. I went to the meat aisle. I didn't look around because I knew I wanted the prime rib.

My number is called and I walk up to the counter. I asked the butcher if he had any prime rib and that I need number 6,7 and 8 rib. (I am going to stop here in the story because as of now I don't know what the heck I am talking about. I only asked for 6,7, and 8 because Bill said they were the best etc. )

The butcher says "OoooooK" then asks me do I want prime rib or choice. (again no clue)

I ask him which is better.

He says that the prime is juicer when cooked, better marbling and on and on etc.

Who could argue with that! I said I want the prime.

He goes back and brings this thing out. It is bigger than I am expecting.

Then to show my "meat savvy" I asked for it to be Frenched. That is where they clean the bone for you to make it look prettier. (I read that in a magazine.)

So he weighs it then I decide...hmm maybe I should ask how much a pound it costs.
(I know I know... I should have done that BEFORE.)

So he tells me it is 18.00 a pound. So in my head it looks like the meat is about 4 pounds... I guess my estimation skills are lacking

Here is the play by play of my texts to Bill

C: I hope I don't mess the meat up! It is pricey (before I was handed the package)

B: How much?
C: They are weighing it now
B: How much a pound?
C: CRAP! that is big! I am so not cooking this by myself
C: S**T (this is the exact moment they handed me the wrapped up package!)
B: Over 100?
C: YES :0
C: Now what the hell do I do with it.

This is when the phone rang. It was 8.50 lbs! What the heck are 2 people going to do with almost 9 lbs for dinner!

I was talking to him and FREAKING out about the meat. It was 152.00. I have never bought that much meat. I mean COME ON! I can go out to eat and spend that but I don't have to cook it!

I had visions of stuffing it in the organic cereal aisle and running out the door! I MEAN COME ON! Maybe in the freezer section so that it wouldn't be ruined!

Bill said that the store would probably have my picture beside the butcher counter so that they would know not to sell me any more meat if I stuffed it and ran!

So I bought it.... Can you believe...

Bill suggested that we now needed more people! So I called Jean and Phil and of course Meagan and Will. So we had 6 people so it ended up being okay!

No romantic New Years meal but a good story I will never forget....